Church of the Nazarene is a Bible-believing congregation in the tradition of John Wesley. We are part of the International Church of the Nazarene.
We believe in one Creator God, who reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Spirit.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and relevant Word of God.
We believe that all people have sinned and need God’s grace and forgiveness which is abundantly available through Jesus’ death on the Cross.
We believe that as Christians we need to offer our whole lives to God that he might cleanse our hearts from the attitude of Sin (the Biblical word for this is sanctification). When we surrender ourselves to God completely, His Spirit can fully mold us into Christlikeness; His perfect Love is reflected in our attitudes and actions; and God empowers us to live more abundantly.
We believe God draws us to Himself but the decision to respond is ours.
We believe that an individual must repent and trust Christ to receive forgiveness and eternal life.
We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, carrying on His purposes in the world.
We believe that God can bring healing.
We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again.
We practice the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Click HERE if you have interest in getting baptized!
Check out the following links for more in-depth information about the Church of the Nazarene’s Articles of Faith (PDF format), The Covenant of Christian Conduct, & our current Manual. As a church, we affirm all that is within the above documents.
Learn more about the Nazarene Church here.