Our church currently has 3 Campuses in 2 locations in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. It serves both English and Spanish-speaking residents of all ages. We have worship services at 9:00am, 10:30am, & 11:45am (Español, Esperanza Viva).

How early should I arrive? Our services tend to start right on time, but we would love for you to join us for a cup of coffee either before or after service. Perhaps allow a few extra minutes if you’re checking kids into Kid’s City.
How should I dress? Our attendees dress in jeans/shorts & tees to semi-formal. We won’t judge your clothes and we hope you won’t judge ours.
Is it easy to get more involved? We think so. Please stop by Next Steps before or after service and we’ll help you find your footing for that first (or next) step.
Ministry for all ages? We’re so glad you asked! Yes, we have ministry for nursery-5th grade, 6th-12th grade, and groups for adults of all ages!
What kind of music should I expect? We worship with a blend of music old & new. You can expect to hear vocals, guitars, keyboard/piano, & drums. We do utilize modern technologies including a full sound system and projection (so you’ll be able to sing along, even if you’re not super familiar with our songs).