Evangeline was born in Cebu, Philippines where her family lived near a dump area. She had to skip school and babysit her younger siblings while her mom worked seven days a week, providing food for the family. Evangeline received a shoebox gift when she was 13 years old. There was only one left, and they offered it to her. It’s contents met many needs for Evangeline and her family, toothbrush and toothpaste especially stood out to her, as those were items they couldn’t afford. She also remembers receiving coloring books and small toys. to hear more how a shoebox gift assured that God loved her and her siblings we invite you to listen to her testimony. Operation Christmas Child’s national collection week is November 14 through the 21st. For more information on Operation Christmas Child visit their website samaritanspurse.org/occ we pray that today’s broadcast is a half hour of hope for your life.
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