Go: The Cost
Key Thematic Questions:
> What is the cost of following Christ?
> What is the cost of GOING?
Pastor Adrian from Part 2 of the series: “It impossible to please God, without complete surrender.”
> Think about the events in Stephen’s story that you’ve seen before.
Acts 6:7-15
Acts 7:1-2a
Acts 7:51-60
The message of Stephen’s martyrdom is that sacrifice didn’t end with Jesus. It was and should be a hallmark of His church.
> Jesus paid the ultimate price for us.
> Stephen paid the ultimate price for Jesus.
Luke 14:25-33
> Not only is the Lord asking your life of you. If you are believer, you’ve already agreed to give it.
> In fact, it is likely that today, somewhere, someone will pay the ultimate price.
> To lay down’s one life isn’t strange or foreign, since we are made in His image. We know it is what real love is all about.
To count the cost, to be willing to pay, is to love as God loves.