On this week’s broadcast of Hope Talks we are joined by Angela Kohl who joins us to share what’s going on in this next chapter that God has in her life. After serving 17 years as the Director of Kids Harbor after school and preschool Angela has answered a call that God has placed in her life to step out in faith and start her own business Angela Kohl Development to help partner with others, through faith and experience, to see them reach their intended potential. We pray that today’s broadcast is a half hour of hope for your life. We would also like to invite you to take an anonymous six question survey to help give us some feedback on the podcast. You can take the survey by clicking the link below. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=rMtAr_aDl02Dki0XlUrGIhYk-WuZPbRHkFKyO4BJJKdURTIyS1JBNU1TSjRYQjA3VVo5RlNPT0dSWS4u