April 19
Free From Yesterday, Part 2: Rejection
Your past has no more power over you than what you give it.
o Last week we began by focusing on the powerful role of shame in our lives
o This week we focus on the role of rejection
Philippians 3:10-14
Paul made the decision to “forget what is behind”
o What were the things Paul needed to forget?
o Saul (before he was Paul) was an enemy of the church
-“Saul began to destroy the church” Acts 8:3
-“Saul was breathing our murderous threats” Acts 9:1
o God transforms his life and now He is Paul, servant of Christ
o Paul experienced rejection from everyone
-the Jews wanted to kill him (Acts 9:23)
-the disciples and followers of Jesus were afraid of him (Acts 9:26)
The Truth About Our Own Journey
1. We have all experienced rejection
o often the memories of rejection stand out more than anything else from our past
2. Rejection hurts
o There are scars that we carry for the rest of our lives because of the rejection of others
o As far as your brain is concerned, physical pain and experiences of emotional rejection are just as harmful
3. We can’t erase rejection from our past & we can’t prevent future rejection
o In fact, Jesus told us to expect rejection – John 15:18, Luke 10:6
The promise we can claim is that if we are followers of Christ, God will not reject us
Deuteronomy 31:6
o At the end of his life, Moses wants the people of God to know that He will not reject them
Matthew 27:45-46
o Ultimately, God would send His Son to the cross to pay the price for sin.
o We deserved God’s rejection, but instead Jesus took our place.
o “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” 2 Corinthians 5:21
“God’s approval overwhelms man’s rejection”
o No matter how many time you have been rejected in your life today
God will not reject you
o If God won’t reject you, you can overcome any storm
o If Jesus conquered the grave….He can conquer the weight of your rejection