Afraid Not, Part 2 – Love Conquers
“I believe fear is the number one barrier that keeps us from experiencing God’s best for our life.”
Pastor Adrian Mills
January 5, 2020
Today’s message is in two parts:
Part 1: A look at fear, worry and anxiety in our world and at HFCN – exposing our enemy.
To consider: When you hear how others are experiencing fear, worry or anxiety, how does it impact that way you feel about your own?
What’s one important takeaway for you personally as it relates to the state of fear in our culture/community?
Part 2: Fear from a biblical perspective (Romans 8:14-15 and 1 John 4:16-18)
Key Texts
The Bible fights the idea of fear, the concept of anxiety, with two fear-overpowering concepts:
Romans 8:14-15
Fear Fighter #1: If you are in Christ you are a child of God Himself.
You no longer have to return to the prison of fear that once held you – “so that you live in fear again.”
1 John 4:16-18
Fear Fighter #2: The love found in God obliterates fear. Drives it out.
We mostly think about fear from our own perspective. We consider how WE process anxiety…how it makes US feel.
But what about fear from God’s perspective? The One who loves you. How does God feel when you worry?
How will you respond today?
Supplemental Texts
2 Timothy 1:7
Romans 8:11-17
Mark 14:32-36
Hebrews 2:14-15
Lamentations 3:22-23